This is the home of smaller projects and where I experiment.

Exploring Digital Art

Drawing some things I like as a way to try out digital illustration.


Hybrid Typography

Three typefaces (Fleurs de Liane, Brotherhood, and Kings Caslon Typo Italic) were deconstructed and combined to create a hybrid typeface, expressing the phrase, connect with nature.


Lucent Poster

A poster displaying my typeface, Lucent. See the full project here

Floral Illustration Prints

A set of digitally illustrated flowers. 

No Adhesive Packaging

Original box design that does not use any adhesives. It uses the spans and parabolas folds from Paul Jackson’s Folding Techniques for Designers.

Leaves Book

A completely experimental book made with leaves stitched together in a fall colour gradient (coptic bookbinding).

Flower Installation

Exploring flowers with various mediums and papers.

© Andrea Poon